Radionuclide therapy by means of selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) and intravascular irradiation with open radionuclides
Recommendation by the German Commission on Radiological Protection
Adopted at the 236th meeting of the SSK on 17/18 September 2009
- Publikation "Radionuclide therapy by means of selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) and intravascular irradiation with open radionuclides" Herunterladen EN PDF, 88KB, not accessible
- Publikation "Radionuklidtherapie mittels selektiver intraarterieller Radiotherapie (SIRT) und intravasale Bestrahlung mit offenen Radionukliden" Herunterladen DE PDF, 74KB, not accessible
The recommendation “Radionuclide Therapy by Means of Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT)” was developed by the working group “Radiation Hygiene Requirements on IMRT, IGRT, and SIRT” of the SSK committee “Radiation Protection in Medicine”. The recommendation deals with the following specifics:
- People work with high activities and, in particular, also with high activity concentrations.
- The radionuclide is applied in the angiography room and thus usually outside the permanent control area according to the provisions of the Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV).
- As an individual therapy, it requires dosimetric planning and thus the immediate participation of a medical physics expert.
- On the part of physicians, the application and success of the therapy requires the cooperation of an expert according to the provisions of the X-Ray Ordinance (RöV) and an expert according to the provisions of the Radiation Protection Ordinance.
It is the objective of the recommendation to depict responsibilities, to show interfaces, and to reference necessary radiation protection measures.
Statements are made on the indication, the therapy procedures are described, and recommendations are given on the preparation and application of therapies with respect to structural and organisational radiation protection and the protection of patients and staff.