Emergency Management


The committee's topics are:

  1. Technical fundamentals for rules and standards relating to radiological emergency management
  2. Measures in the field of radiological emergency management and precautionary radiation protection
  3. Professional support for the updating and application of decision-aid systems
  4. International exchange of data and information in case of nuclear emergencies (ECURIE, EMERCON, EURDEP)
  5. Advice on issues regarding information of the public
  6. Pursuit of new international recommendations and standards in the field of radiological emergency management and analysis of their applicability in Germany
  7. Evaluation of actual, radiologically relevant courses of events with respect to their consequences for the emergency management concept
  8. Evaluation of national and international exercises, suggestions where the focus should be in national exercises
  9. Statements and recommendations on the national implementation of international directives and recommendations (e. g. EURATOM directives, ICRP).