Scientific Secretariat
The Commission on Radiological Protection is supported by a scientific secretariat, which is part of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), but takes its instructions directly from the Chairperson of the Commission. Within the scope of the tasks of SSK, the secretariat may also be assigned tasks by the competent Federal Ministry.
The activities of the secretariat are defined by the statutes of the Commission and the interests of the SSK, its committees and working groups. The main tasks are:
organisation of all meetings of the SSK, its committees and working groups, preparation of agendas and meeting documents, evaluation of the consultations and drafting of summary records, documentation of the adopted recommendations and statements as well as any other consultation results, administrative support of the Commission, its committees and working groups, editing of the publications of the Commission on Radiological Protection in print and on the internet.
The staff currently comprises an executive secretary, 7 scientific secretaries and 3 administrative assistants.
The Secretariat of the Commission on Radiological Protection can be contacted at:
Geschäftsstelle beim Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz
Postfach 12 06 29
53048 Bonn