How SSK works
Advisory tasks are assigned to the Commission by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). However, the Commission is also authorized to select its own topics for deliberation.
The Commission is concerned with current radiological protection issues and discusses these with the BMUV.
As a result of its advisory activity, the Commission decides on statements and recommendations on the deliberated topics. The BMUV may publish these recommendations and statements in the Federal Bulletin. In addition they are published on the Commission`s website and in the SSK series "Publications of the Commission on Radiological Protection" and “Reports of the Commission on Radiological Protection".
Since 1981, SSK has held a conference at nearly yearly intervals to discuss major scientific topics either in a closed meeting or with limited public access. Since the closed conference of 1985, the manuscripts of the presentations have been published in the SSK series "Publications of the Commission on Radiological Protection".