Protection against electric and magnetic fields in the public power supply and utilization


In light of the increasing expansion of power supply systems, the German Commission on Radiological Protection (SSK) has accepted the task to update its recommendation on the “Protection against Low-Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields in Energy Supply and Use” passed in 1995, taking into account more recent scientific studies on biological effects of electric and magnetic fields as well as the SSK’s extended and more differentiated approach of health risk assessment, and considering precautionary aspects as discussed in the SSK recommendation passed in 2001.

Based on the evaluation of the present state of knowledge, the SSK concludes that at present there are no reasons to challenge the existing exposure limits.

In particular, the present studies do not allow deducing irrefutable criteria on which reduced precautionary exposure limits could be based. With regard to the existing uncertainties, however, avoiding or minimizing unnecessary exposures complies with the principles of radiation protection.

In view of the increasing number of individuals wearing active implants the SSK deems it necessary to reduce or avoid interference situations in every-day-life by device-related and regulatory measures.

The SSK reinforces its recommendation from 2001 not to fully exhaust the existing exposure limits. Immissions from stationary power supply units at sites open to the public should, therefore, be kept well below the existing exposure limits. This applies in particular to home areas and rooms provided for members of the general public staying not only temporarily.

The SSK explicitly states that there is no reason to expect that further epidemiological studies of the previous kind will be able to contribute to clarifying the question of a causal relationship between magnetic field exposure and childhood leukaemia.

Because of the concerns raised by the results of previous epidemiological studies, the SSK considers that further experimental research is needed to clarify whether there is a causal relationship between magnetic field exposure and childhood leukaemia. SSK also supports continuation of research into carcinogenicity and genotoxicity of low-frequency magnetic fields.

Since below power lines electric and magnetic fields occur simultaneously, the SSK recommends dosimetric research on simultaneous exposure to electric and magnetic fields with particular emphasis on fetal exposure.

This Recommendation has been published in volume 67 of the series “Veröffentlichungen der Strahlenschutzkommission" (Publications of the Commission on Radiological Protection).