Requirements for obtaining a qualification in radiological protection for physicians – Explanatory notes on the practical experience required for the licence


The medical application of ionising radiation is governed by two statutory instruments: the medical application of x-rays by the X-Ray Ordinance (Röntgenverordnung - RöV), nuclear medicine, brachytherapy and teletherapy by the Radiation Protection Ordinance (Strahlenschutzverordnung - StrlSchV). These instruments also cover the required qualifications in the field of radiological protection. As the number of medical applications of ionising radiation that are subject to both Ordinances increases steadily, the Commission on Radiological Protection recommended at its 246th meeting on 2/3 December 2010 coordinated and harmonized requirements. They include the required time spent on practical experience and the required number of documented examinations for obtaining the qualification in the field of radiological protection under the X-Ray Ordinance and the Radiation Protection Ordinance. The new requirements have been listed in table form.

This recommendation of the Commission on Radiological Protection has been ammeded at the 252nd meeting on 1 December 2011.

The provisions of the RöV (2003), which expired on December 31, 2018, have been transferred to a revised StrlSchV, which came into force on December 31, 2018.