Use of Iodine Tablets for Thyroid Blocking in the Event of a Nuclear Emergency with Release of Radioactive Iodine
Recommendation by the German Commission on Radiological Protection
Adopted at the 294th meeting of the SSK on 26 April 2018, amended at the 298th meeting of the SSK on 06 February 2019 and at the 330th meeting of the SSK on 30 January 2024
- Publikation "Use of Iodine Tablets for Thyroid Blocking in the Event of a Nuclear Emergency with Release of Radioactive Iodine" Herunterladen EN PDF, 398KB, accessible
- Publikation "Verwendung von Jodtabletten zur Jodblockade der Schilddrüse bei einem Notfall mit Freisetzung von radioaktivem Jod" Herunterladen DE PDF, 403KB, accessible
Based on experiences of the reactor accident in Fukushima and the current guideline of the World Health Organisation (WHO) on Iodine Thyroid Blocking, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) requested the Commission on Radiological Protection (SSK) to review and, if applicable, to update the information leaflets last published in 2019 on the “Use of Iodine Tablets for Iodine Thyroid Blocking in the Event of a Nuclear Accident” (so-called iodine information leaflets).
Overall, the review showed only a marginal need for revision of content, both in the information leaflet for physicians, pharmacists and the professional community and in the information sheet for the general public. However, the information leaflets were edited and supplemented to improve comprehensibility and provide more extended information on the protection concept.
The objective of iodine thyroid blocking by intake of high doses of stable iodine at levels 100 to 1000 times higher than the daily dietary intake is primarily to prevent radiation-induced thyroid cancer in highly vulnerable groups of the general public (foetuses, children and adolescents). Pregnant and breastfeeding women also belong to the group of highly vulnerable persons.
Authorities competent for planning iodine thyroid blocking are strongly recommended to provide iodine information leaflets and information on iodine thyroid blocking to physicians, pharmacists and the professional community in potential distribution areas in advance, e. g., by references to the website ( It is recommended further to address the subject of iodine thyroid blocking as part of medical education.
Due to recent findings on respiratory masks (FFP3-masks), the reference to FFP3 masks was removed from the recommendation in 2019. Instead, the note was added that respiratory masks cannot be recommended as a substitute for iodine blockade as they do not offer sufficient protection.
A further revision of the recommendation became necessary in 2023/2024 as the recommended medicine, Irenat®, in the case of medical contraindications, is no longer available. The SSK therefore only recommends the active substance sodium perchlorate.
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SSK 2024 German Commission on Radiological Protection (SSK). VeUse of Iodine Tablets for Thyroid Blocking in the Event of a Nuclear Emergency with Release of Radioactive Iodine. Recommendation by the German Commission on Radiological Protection, adopted at the 294th meeting of the SSK on 26 April 2018, amended at the 298th meeting of the SSK on 06 February 2019 and at the 330th meeting of the SSK on 30 January 2024.