Summary and evaluation of the closed conference 2013: Radiation protection questions pertaining to the use of new energy sources


Germany’s decision to abandon nuclear and fossil fuels as a source of energy (“clean-energy switch”) results in the increasing use of new and renewable sources of energy. Consequently, this gives rise to new questions in terms of radiation protection. The German Commission on Radiological Protection therefore examined this issue at its closed conference in 2013.
The subjects covered ranged from expanding and upgrading the national grid, the (intelligent) management of power generation, transmission and consumption (smart grid, smart meter, smart home) through to novel avenues for producing energy as a by-product of physical activity. Other topics included issues of protection against ionising radiation resulting from the new technologies which are championed as part of Germany’s “clean-energy switch” such as the use of geothermal energy sources, energy production from biomass and, indirectly, the extraction of materials for wind farms or any potential increase in indoor radon levels as a result of energy-saving measures. Radiation protection aspects pertaining to geothermal energy and fossil fuel extraction, in particular when using fracking to extract natural gas, were outlined as well.
The closed conference showed that the impact of Germany’s “clean-energy switch” regarding issues of non-ionising and ionising radiation is and will be complex. Therefore, detailed analyses and evaluations from a radiation protection point-of-view will be mandatory.