Protection strategies in case of a nuclear detonation - Use of respirators to protect the population after the explosion of a nuclear weapon
Recommendation by the German Commission on Radiological Protection
Adopted at the 323rd meeting of the the SSK on 3 February 2023
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In connection with Russia's attack on Ukraine, the SSK was asked by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) to assess the extent to which the various protective measures pre-planned for radiological emergencies can also be effective and appropriate from a radiological point of view in the event of the deployment of nuclear weapons.
Consequently the SSK adopted a recommendation on the use of respiratory masks and other protective measures for the population in the event of nuclear emergencies caused by the explosion of nuclear weapons in February 2023.
SSK emphasised that the primary measures of self-protection are to go indoors or to remain indoors (with windows and doors closed and ventilation turned off). Taking iodine tablets (iodine blockade) is not a primary protective measure to be considered because of the small proportion of radioactive iodine isotopes in the total amount of activity released.
FFP 2 masks can reduce the uptake of radioactive particles during nuclear explosions, especially when there is insufficient protection against radioactivity entering indoors or when it is necessary to go outdoors. However, the use of masks must not lead to a false sense of security.