Medical management of radiation emergencies – Requirements and organisational matters


In its two recommendations on medical emergency response from 2017, the SSK recommended the creation of guidelines for certified initial, further, and advanced training. These should also include regular exercises for personnel working in the medical field, which are required in radiological and nuclear emergencies, and the necessary qualifications. In the context of the recommendations, qualification requirements were redefined, and the group of people who are eligible and the content of a „radiation emergency management” and „radiation emergency physician” qualification certificate were presented.

With a new advisory mandate, the SSK was asked to develop minimum requirements for hospitals about structural, personnel and equipment capacities, content for a curriculum and a proposal for the implementation of these recommendations in the federal and state emergency management system in addition to the recommendations mentioned above. This recommendation on the requirements and organisation of the medical management of radiation emergencies supplements and specifies the two previous SSK recommendations from 2017.

cite publication

German Commission on Radiological Protection (SSK). Medical management of radiation emergencies – Requirements and organisational matters. Recommendation by the German Commission on Radiological Protection, adopted at the 327th meeting of the German Commission on Radiological Protection on 11/12 September 2023.