Recommended research areas, fields, and topics for future application-oriented basic research in radiation protection
Statement by the German Commission on Radiological Protection
Adopted at the 329th meeting of the German Commission on Radiological Protection on 7./8.December 2023
Long-term maintaining and expanding expertise in the field of radiation research in Germany is a topic of importance for society and public services, on which the German Commission on Radiation Protection (SSK) has increasingly focused in recent years.
In its statement dated 11 June 2021 (Long-term maintaining expertise in the field of radiation research and application in Germany - the most important scientific disciplines and actors in radiation research), the SSK identified key actors and research areas in the field of radiation research in Germany.
In a recommendation dated 11 September 2023 (Long-term maintaining and expanding expertise in the field of radiation research and application in Germany – measures) the SSK performed stakeholder surveys and additional analyses, whih demonstrate a long-term demand for personnel skilled in radiation research and radiation protection. However, many stakeholders apprehend diminishing expertise in radiation research and radiation protection in Germany.
The SSK considers complementary financial support of application-oriented basic research and of departmental research (i.e., commissioned by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, BMUV) as key in maintaining the expertise in Germany.
In general, a ministry’s departmental research addresses narrowly defined research questions, intending to prepare state decisions and action taking, e.g., for legal regimes. In contrast, application-oriented basic research rather serves to further develop science and technology.
Adequately funded application-oriented basic research, which mostly is conducted in universities and other higher education institutions and research institutes, allows students to gain first insights into the field of radiation research, enables young researchers to start a career in this field, and permits that experienced researchers stay in this field to expand their expertise and qualification.
This is the only way to guarantee sufficient and adequately trained next-generation workforce for the many and diverse tasks in radiation protection in industry and authorities, in further development of radiation research in research and training, and in well-founded policy advice for political and regulatory bodies.
On June 30 2023 the BMUV mandated the SSK to identify relevant research areas, fields, and topics for future application-oriented basic research in radiation protection.
These should provide a broad and flexible framework for future research core topics, covering the next 5 to 7 years.
Based on a draft list of possible research core topics compiled by relevant sections in BMUV and Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) that was provided with the mandate, additional proposed topics were collected among all members of SSK and its committees. All topics were further discussed and structured in an ad hoc meeting of the SSK.
Potential conflicts of interest were addressed and due to the broadness of bodies involved in the process and the abstention from advising specific research topics any exertion of influence by individual groups was precluded.
As result of the concerted interdisciplinary effort, a list of research areas and fields in application-oriented radiation protection basic research, as recommended by the SSK for priority in the next five to seven years, is presented here.
cite publication
SSK 2023 Strahlenschutzkommission (SSK). Empfohlene Forschungsbereiche, -felder und -themen für eine in die Zukunft gerichtete anwendungsorientierte Grundlagenforschung im Strahlenschutz. Stellungnahme der Strahlenschutzkommission, verabschiedet in der 329. Sitzung der Strahlenschutzkommission am 7./8. Dezember 2023.